UI/UX Project

Restaurant Pro

 Restaurant Pro is a web app that helps restaurant's managers and employees who want to save time and increase efficiency, by speeding up the assignment of daily tasks and providing a dashboard to immediately see what tasks are being completed, unlike traditional and time-consuming methods like recording employees' activity on paper. This project was created in 13 weeks by a group of 3 designers and 4 developers.

About this proyect

User flow (Manager)

User flow (Employee)



UI Kit - Tipography

Heading and Body

Brevia and Century Gothic are two friendly fonts that are easy to read. They match well because they have similar design features like similar line thickness and a human-like style.

Text Field


UI Kit - Color Palette

Drop down menu





Home page - Desktop

Assign Task Page - Desktop

Statistics Page - Desktop

Home page - Mobile

Assign Task - Mobile

Statistics - Mobile